Friday, January 21, 2011

Beware: Too many invalid cPanel logins can cause you unable to see your site!

"Bro, we have a problem with the webmail," my client called me on one windy afternoon. "Can you help?"

"Sure! What's the problem?" I replied.

Client: "Can't go to the website. Internet Explorer said something wrong with the connection."

Me: "Other websites OK?"

Client: "Yep. Google, eBay, Facebook are all okay. Only webmail has problem."

Hmm.. perhaps the webmail server is having problem, I thought. But to make sure: "So you can still go to"

Client: "Yep, I can go ther---oh hold on... No man, it's down too looks like. But yesterday was OK though."

Good, so everything on that site was down... except that it's NOT! I was on that website in that very second---using Firefox, in case the problem with my client was due to his IE misbehaving.

Me: "Perhaps your network guy did something bad? Like blocking your site by accident...."

Client: "No, he's on vacation since last week. Yesterday no problem, and nobody else has access to the router. Heck, nobody here even KNOW what is a router."

What a mystery... Anybody care to guess why?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Facebook Grid Picture

Psst.. wanna have fun with your Facebook Photo Album? Or you just want to jazz up your Facebook pic? Then you've come to the right place---I'll show you how!

If you haven't notice, your pictures in Facebook are organized in a grid structure. To be exact: they will be in a four-column grid. And just like the screenshot below (or the real thing here), you can see that it's very easy to take advantage of this layout. The key is to know how to count. In pixels, that is!

Facebook Grid Picture